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Events & Marketing Events

Before you get any intention, you need to get people's attention

make an impression, create an event that people will remember forever.

Claw Mini

In September 2018 Claw Money launched her kids clothing line Claw Mini.  Creating an event to keep kids entertained and adults happy was Emma’s goal.  Activities included an interactive wall where kids used spray chalk to practice their tags. Each clothing purchase came with a free ice cream cone. Yes, there was an Ice Cream truck parked on Delancey Street just for us that day. Between the ice cream, temporary tattoos, and lemonade stand you could sticker up, the kids had a blast.  With parents and party-goers watching in awe as kids played without any video games, or tablets.  Beverages were sponsored by Rise Kombucha and  Schöfferhofer Beers. We created the perfect block party for the newest kids street wear brand.

While working with Fly HELO in August of 2018, IMPOSSIBLE Meats was looking to promote their "Mission; Earth." A campaign to bring awareness to Earth's natural beauty and magic in nature. Emma created the perfect routes throughout New York City for these  three Astronauts to interact with the public. Getting New Yorkers to stop, slow down and enjoy the beauty of what is in front of us, here on Earth.  


Other Events

Whether it’s coordinating a wedding, launching a new product, or

even a live auction every event should be as unique as your brand.

Creating the proper atmosphere, bringing in delectable food,

and comfortable seating arrangements all contribute

to making your event memorable.

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